Kay Arthur Bio, Age, Husband, Sons, Net Worth, Health, Bible Studies, Today

Kay Arthur Biography

Kay Arthur is American Christian author, also a Bible teacher and one of the founders of Precept Ministries International. She is the fourth recipient of the ECPA Christian Book Award.

In order to attend Tennessee Temple University and graduate with a degree in nursing, Arthur relocated to Chattanooga, Tennessee. She met Jack Arthur there, who had earned a Graduate in Theology from TTU in 1956.

Arthur Age

She is 90 years old as of 11 November 2024. She was born on 11 November 1933 in Jackson, Michigan, United States.

Arthur Husband and Children

At the age of 21, Arthur completed nursing school in 1955 and wed her first husband, Frank Thomas Goetz, Jr. In 1961, the couple was divorced. Jack, Arthur’s husband, passed away in Chattanooga on January 9, 2017, at the age of 90, from Alzheimer’s disease.   She got to know Jack Arthur, who had earned a Graduate in Theology from TTU in 1956. While serving as missionaries in Mexico, the pair got married on December 16, 1965. They had to return to the United States from Mexico due to medical concerns.Kay has nine grandchildren and three sons—two from her first marriage and one from her second.

Arthur Health and Illness

Kay, who has Parkinson’s disease, occasionally make jokes about her memory problems. She joined Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth for a special appearance at the True Woman ’22 Conference in the fall of 2022. Around the world, Kay is still an inspiration and motivator.

Kay Arthur Career

Once back in Chattanooga, Jack took over as manager of a local Christian radio station, and Arthur started teaching teens about the Bible in the couple’s living room.

Kay Arthur, an American author
Kay Arthur, an American author

A 32-acre farm was purchased to accommodate the expanding ministry as the Bible study group grew. Initially called Reach Out Ranch, it was then renamed Precept Ministries International (PMI). After the sale of the radio station in 1972, Jack took a full-time position as ranch administrator.

Precepts for Life is a daily Bible study teaching program that Arthur has hosted on television, radio, and the internArthur signed the Manhattan Declaration, an ecumenical statement, in November 2009, asking Orthodox Christians, Catholics, and evangelicals to abstain from laws and regulations that allow same-sex marriage, abortion, and other practices that violate their religious convictions.

Arthur gave a speech in 2016 at The Gathering, a religious assembly supporting Donald Trump’s bid for president. In 2015, Arthur gave a speech at Liberty University, and in 2017, he spoke at Union University.

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